My general interests include the application of behavioral principles and technology to improve the performance and satisfaction of employees in organizations.
My main lines of research include examination of the effects of individual and small group monetary incentives on worker performance and satisfaction and factors that influence the effectiveness of monetary incentive systems. This work was inspired by the behaviorally-based monetary incentive systems implemented at Union National Bank in Little Rock, AR, in the early 1980s by H. Hall McAdams, William Abernathy, Wayne Dierks, and Kathleen McNally.
My current research interests also include:
1. The effectiveness of fluency training for adult learners in the workplace
2. The effects of social comparison feedback on worker performance
Although I have listed "my" professional interests above, "my" professional interests have often been the result of the interests of my graduate students. Certainly, the research "I" have conducted would never have been conducted without my students. Our lively discussions during research lab and the results of their theses and dissertations have shaped and molded my interests and continue to do so.